@Arne posted:Fatman,
your loco is a No 480L made by Karl Bub. Was made 1913-1924. Was only sold by Carette. Bub had made this locos with embossed name by request of Carette.
All cheaper trains in the Carette catalogs was never made by Carette, all was buyed by other manufacturer like Bub, Issmayer, Schuhmann and other.
Arne again your knowledge floors me , while I am piecing stuff together as I find it and hopefully getting things right , I can certainly accept correction and indeed welcome it ! I still love the fact this loco is a demonstration of the co-operation between factories at the time to provide a wide range of items ...
I can take it then that this loco IS of the earlier period as it must have been pre 1917 for Georges Carette to want the logo.