@Mallard4468 , It is totally possible that Technofix in the day had a bulk order from a chain store in the US and might have had different box art than depicted in the video .... the blue steamer rake I showed IS an actual technofix one from the right period that you explained , so pretty sure its a " Technofix Nr.289 shunting train " I just popped that exact phrase into google and it returned encouraging results for me so its pretty specific ... as to ePay , currently there is only one set on there in the US , and its wrong! lol
It has a track ( in poor condition) the loco ( again not so wonderful) and instead of the two carriages is packaged with two other little technofix trolleys , so totally not usable or correct .. they do turn up pretty regularly ... there is currently a Mozdony at a very friendly price listed ...if you have an email in your profile I will send you the link
(edit .. sent ! check your hotmail ! )