@Nation Wide Lines posted:Today we are running a c. 1930 Montgomery Ward uncataloged American Flyer set with 3195 engine, Hancock tender, and Illini cars.
The engine last ran in the late 1990s and has been in a box or on a shelf ever since. I had the engine re-wheeled by someone else in the late 90s and it was sub-par work. Problem was a replaced axle that had sub-par splines, which resulted in the wheels slipping on the axle and super-glue being applied to try and get the wheels to not slip. I replaced the axle with no splines and the 2 drive wheels. I hate sub-par work, but when I first got into prewar Flyer, I did not do my own repairs. I quickly realized it was too expensive to have others do the work for me and began doing my own repairs.
To answer Don's question about the small engine-tender and green cars behind the 4672, it is the above set. I just was not running it today.
As for the wheel color on the engine, Flyer painted some of their wheels orange and this engine originally had the orange drive wheels on it, so the replacements are orange as well.