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Reply to "Tinplate photos ๐Ÿ“ธ and videos ๐Ÿ“ฝ"

Ok Tinplate fans, today I am offering something quite different.  It is an engine from my small collection of lithographed tin toys.  This is a Diesel Switcher (Road type switcher of the GP type) by Masudaya of Japan.  This is a brute!  It is 17" long, 4" high (not including the horns) and 3 1/2 " wide.  It does have flanged wheels and the gauge is 2 1/2 " that is 3/4" larger than "G" gauge.  IAW the box this toy has..."mystery action" (whatever that is), realistic whistle (for a diesel?), engine sound, and headlight.  It is powered by 3 "D" batteries.  This dates from the 1960's which was a golden era in Japanese lithographed tin plate and I think you will agree they did a marvelous job on this item.  I also liked the slogan of the was printed on the box..." For the Children of the World from...Masudaya"  Their trademark by the way, which you may recognize from other toys is "TM" in a diamond shaped logo.

Here she is with her box from the side.  The "N?W" notation is either N&W perhaps meaning Norfolk and Western or NEW just meaning that it was new.  I cannot really interpret the stylized "E" between the N and W.

Japanese floor switcher side

View from the front quarter showing the "headlight" and the multi-color lithography

Japanese floor switcher front quarter

Here from the rear or end of the long hood,

Japanese floor switcher rear

A couple of top views showing that the lithography continues on all sides plus add on fans , Horn, and vent

Japanese floor switcher partial top view

The side of the box the way the caution reads..."Ages 3 and Up" luckily I qualify.

Japanese floor switcher top

I included the close up of the cab area to illustrate the quality of the lithography done in Japan at this time.  Multiple colors, peoples faces, rivets, stripping, vents (in two colors),treads etc.  Quite elaborate.

Japanese floor switcher cab view

Well its strange, not exactly a common toy train maker but it is tinplate!  Best wishes


I would love to stuff a STD Gauge motor in one of those๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿคช

