Afternoon Miketg:
Lovely signals.....but just a little clarification....if you will allow.
Your second photo of the "stop/go" signal is not Marklin, but infact a signal from Buco - Bucherer manufactured in Switzerland in the early 1950's, before they went into liquidation in 1957. Your particular signal has been "rotated" on its base so that the wire connections are at right angles to the globes, where-as the original signal had the wires running parallel, so the other set of signals (distant) could be wired in series.
I have taken some photos of this particular signal in operation on my layout, as well as depicted in the 1952 Buco catalogue, and one I have (among many) in the original box it came in. The catalogue also shows how these signals could be all wired in series to holt and hold a train on the layout using the "interruptor" center rail sections, and a special switch box.
Peter......Buco Australia