Long time between drinks for me lately !
But finally scored something shareworthy
One of these has been on my "lookout for " list for a long time , and found via a casual conversation with a friend who piped up with " I have something odd ? been in the cupboard for years , I think my dad found it ages ago"
When I saw it I was a tad " Shut your mouth ! " LOL!!! .... It was something I found one of ,many years ago, and was ghosted by the seller on a trading site , and had not seen another one since .
Its a diecast handcar , from the early 1950's , made by DCMT in England ( the casting firm for Crescent models) and uses the body from their Harry Hayseed Tricky Tractor atop an O gauge size handcar platform ... The body is linked via crankshaft to the axle and he rocks back and forth as it rolls along ... I have seen mention of it as " The Harry Hayseed Tricky Track Van " but have not been able to find much about it , and not even seen it advertised or catalogued . It has couplings to connect to "Something" but I know not what ? Possibly it could have been meant to be dragged by the Harry Hayseed Tractor, but given the violent back and forth of it with rotation in use , I cant see how it would have worked ?
But another missing hole in the collection is now filled