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Reply to "Tinplate photos πŸ“Έ and videos πŸ“½"

Merry Christmas Daniel! ( and everybody else too! )

I have been stunningly absent in this thread lately , simply due to the slowing down of new acquisitions lately

This thread has and always will be the lifeblood heartbeat of OGR for me ... I am determined as ever that it will survive its senseless banishment to the boondocks of the Photo Albums area ( yes I can hold a grudge LOLOLOL!!! )

I have scored a couple of pre-christmas goodies for the Fatman Stocking tho

Couple of early Hornby ( UK ) wagons

And a little bit of Aussie history , in really poor shape , but us Aussie kids are notoriously hard on our toys , it comes from wrestling them out of the jaws of passing crocodiles, beating down passing kangaroos who thieve them and put then into their pouches , and braving brown snakes in the back yard and hordes of Redback Spiders in the sheds  simply to play with them

Its an accomplishment for a kid to simply survive to puberty in itself .. that his toys survive is purely a bonus ...

Here is a Boomeroo tinplate tram , made here in Australia and very collectible ... good examples fetching hundreds of dollars , which is kind of odd as they are very simple unpowered tinplate shells , with not outstanding lithography ... but I think perhaps its more nostalgia driven market than playability ...

Joyeux Noel !

Frohe Weinhacten !

Vrolijk Keersfest !

Shchaslyvoho Rizdva !

Bon Natali!

Merry Festivus!

Felice Navidad!

and a Ho -effing-Ho to all !
