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Reply to "Tinplate photos πŸ“Έ and videos πŸ“½"

Here is a video and a few photos of my backdrop . I once had a 4x12 standard gauge layout in my shop . It has been dismantled for about 4 years now and I kept a simple 4x6 to test out engines , cars and scenery. As you can see the 4x6 has been almost dismantled.  Anyway , you can see what I had painted .  I hope these inspire fellow layout builders to do the same or something similar. 0554B902-3773-44AD-AA1D-E15B33C828D809A6B3EA-16A4-46AB-8AF3-03634825CED2E9DE0E8C-F40D-4ECB-9A26-DEE0C2DB5FC92040AFC2-B17F-4A3F-BC15-D5498CEF5AD9F379D296-37D4-4C1C-AA20-F7D295B2A946


Images (5)
  • 0554B902-3773-44AD-AA1D-E15B33C828D8
  • 09A6B3EA-16A4-46AB-8AF3-03634825CED2
  • E9DE0E8C-F40D-4ECB-9A26-DEE0C2DB5FC9
  • 2040AFC2-B17F-4A3F-BC15-D5498CEF5AD9
  • F379D296-37D4-4C1C-AA20-F7D295B2A946
Videos (1)