I concur with James @WindupGuy looks like hafner tinplate to me
@Don McErlean I think the cast locos fit in fine with tinplate as the rest of the set would have been all tinplate !
Also crossed another off the bucket list this month , this one was spotted by a friend of mine here in Australia and he scooped it up to pass along to me , never seen one for sale here in Aus so I am grateful he found it , no big news to those of you in the USA , but the fact everyone in the USA knows what it is and how much money to charge means they are seldom a "bargain" and the super expensive post by most USA based sellers tips the desirable scale a fair bit ...
So I had to let a few moths out of the wallet , but it crosses it off the list !
( stock pic but exact to the one I have now)
Now all I need is a Lionelcraft boat to complete the ad LOL!
Edit ...darn you IMBB photos re added !