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Merry Christmas to my international train tragics !!!

Found a last minute present to myself on ePay last night ... what I am pretty sure is an early Hafner/Overland Flyer loco that has found his way down under .

He needs a new key ( screw version) and is suffering from a broken off tender pin at the rear ( which I am pretty sure can easily be crafted by a bit of milliputty over wire to make him usable)

Also missing the boiler band , but apart from that looks to be in not bad nick ?

For the bargain $1 + postage paid how could I resist ! ( 16AUD all up or about 11USD shipped)

I love the external winding pawl, I have a suspicion this is an early production model? Would I be wrong?

Any info my esteemed mateys can add would be really cool ( as you know American stuff isn't my forte sadly)

Last edited by Fatman