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TIU and power supply problem

My layout in split electrically into 2 blocks that are isolated by a single insulated center rail joiner. Each block is powered by its own Lionel 180 watt powerhouse that runs through each of the 2 fixed voltage channels in my TIU. I have discovered that both the powerhouse for fixed voltage channel 2 and the fixed voltage channel 2 itself in my TIU are not operating. The isolated powerhouse for channel 2 produces no voltage on my volt meter. The input and output TIU connections for channel 2 both read zero on my meter when powered by either the seemingly failed powerhouse or a postwar set transformer. I have determined that the fuses in my TIU are fine by swapping the 2 fixed voltage channel fuses with channel one working and channel two dead, regardless of which fuse is in which slot. The only other strange symptom is that my volt meter shows 18 volts when I test the voltage between the center rail of the dead block and the live block - I did this test after an engine caused lots of sparks after it was inadvertently routed from the live block into the dead one! And no, I can’t find a short circuit in block 2.

I know that my powerhouse for channel 2 probably needs to be replaced under warranty - it’s just 1 month old. But does anyone have any idea what’s up with my TIU fixed voltage channel 2? I’m concerned that a failure with channel 2 in my TIU may have trashed my powerhouse... and could well trash a new replacement powerhouse!

Thank you for your thoughts!


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