I'm not sure its just for club layouts. This is what I think a layout should have, club or otherwise, in the order I prioritized for mine.
- A town with a nice variety of buildings, traffic, pedestrains
- Some open country side with interesting terrain
- At least one loop with 72" or larger curves
- At least one long (the longest possible) straight section, entirely viewable from a single viewing point.
- Water: a port, a lake, a river - more than one.
A nice train station(s0
A trainyard with control tower, coaling tower, etc.
A turntable
A large roundhouse
- A big bridge
My layout is only big enough to get 1 - 6 and I had to forego 7 - 10, although I'm trying to squeeze a bridge (#10) in - it just won't be but about 34" long.