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trouble with homasote

My layout build is 40 x 45 and is my first. I placed 1/2 inch homasote over 1/2 oak plywood and put a coat of paint on the homasote. The plywood is fully supported on 2 x 12 x 16 and then cross supports in the middle of the plywood sheet. I have run into a problem with flatness of the homasote. I am level across the top from under wood support to the next support, but the homasote has bellied. If I run a full gargraves length across the bellied area, I would have to take the thickness of 5 popsicle to support the track to make it level. Why it bellied I can only guess the paint caused the homasote to compress. I checked the underside of the plywood and with the straight edge it seems fine. My question is, should I just use wood to level the track and then a lot of ballast to fill in the bellied area, or they do make a fiber DASH PATCH that I would have to mix and trowel the area flat with the patch. Or does anybody have a suggestion on a better fix. This is in the area where I wanted to put a railyard. All help and suggestions are appreciated.IMG_0555 


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