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Reply to "trouble with homasote"

Thanks all for your replies. I am still perplexed why the homasote bellied. I used 1/2 in plywood that is supported in 4 x 4 sections. The 1/2 in homasote is glued is fully glued down using a full tube of liquid nail per 4 x 8 sheet and then testing for any raise areas and using a lot of sheet rock screws to pull it down flat. The whole outside structure is 2 x 12 x 16 with 2 x 4 cross members. Why it bellied in some spots and not in others I don't know. I would tear it apart and redo it but since the layout is 40 foot x 45 foot, I will have to work with what I have. Thanks all.IMG_0535IMG_0522IMG_0523


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