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smallest portable O27 layout ideas

No room for a layout? A small layout is way better than no layout. This double-track oval fits on a 3' x 4' platform which is small enough to easily stash under a bed. Two trains is the easy way to get more action into an otherwise small simple plan.

This version uses conventional O27-profile tubular track with O27, Marx O34, O42 and O54 curves. The compound curves all flow together smoothly with no straight track. One O42 curve is cut to make two half-curves, otherwise they are all standard pieces of track. You'll have to scout the second-hand market for old Marx O34 curves.

portable O27-202a

I had a trial version set up temporarily on the floor for a while, running home-made battery-power loco and tram.



Images (2)
  • portable O27-202a
  • 100_3100
Last edited by Ace
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