Elsewhere on the web someone claimed that the tender shown in the roundhouse was 844's. Not so. Per Ed it's 3985's tender and the rust and sediment shown in a previous photo would have been be removed in it's normal annual maintenance cycle. Here is another shot of the 3985's tender from a different angle.
Elsewhere on the web the opinion was posted that the Staybolt cap inspection and replacement was a waste of time. Maybe, but per Ed the goal with 844 (and I guess on 4014 too) was to repair or replace whatever was worn, rusted or broken etc so that this rebuild would last at least another 30 years. I guess this goal applies to items as simple as flexible staybolt caps and seals.
The FRA rules require the boiler be inspected every 1472 days of operation or 15 years which ever come first so there is no way this overhaul will last 30 year. Especially if it gets maintained the way it has been. It wasn't due its 15 year inspection until 2019. The boiler on annual inspection was found to be so clogged they had to do the overhaul 5 years early.