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Reply to "UP Roundhouse & Steam Shop Tour 6/4/15"

Well said Bob, you hit the nail on the head.  Just say hey I/we tried something new and it failed miserably and now we are going to have to fix things and get back to what we know works.  Stuff happens, folks understand that, what they don't understand and won't accept is finger pointing and deflecting.  The former crew under Steve Lees' leadership always had steam operating, year in and year out with out fail and IMHO were the pinnacle of steam operations.  There was never any whining or b*#@!ing or excuse making....they simply got it done...period. 

     Now I understand with different folks there are and will always be different ways of thinking and different ways of working a problem, that's normal but when it comes to industry standards they must be followed, there is a reason they are "standards".  The former crew had and has IMHO a very good reputation and the proof was in the pudding as the say as steam always operated year after year.  Maintenance was performed, repairs/rebuilding was done in the off season or over the course of a few years as was the case when the 844 received and entirely new firebox, cab insulation, new wood ext.  They didn't keep things running on a wing and a prayer, nor with bubble gum and bailing wire, but with dedication, hard work and a genuine love for what they did.

       So I hope that when operations resume that they do indeed perform proper blow downs, washouts and for gods sake get the water treatment back on track and use what is supposed to be used, don't damage the 844 anymore/again by failing to do this....she is just too fine of an engine to do this to with too much history behind her, and (I hope) a ton of bright future in front of her.


Kent I do wish to say thank you for sharing your photos and information, I do appreciate it and your time.  Lets hope things improve out in Cheyenne and that UP Steam will rise up from the ashes.
