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Reply to "Users of R/C Systems and Deadrail / Battery Power"

Jeff  when I moved from track power to deadrail/ Battery using  Railpro never regretted it. I eliminated the stress of cab2 issues that would drive me nuts. .  Sold cab2 and zwl . Completely striped all wiring for hot rail then replaced the 3 rail with 2 rail on 2/3 of my layout. In process changed my track layout and all scenery.  Just getting to where I can run trains. Took 3 legacy engines and stripped and replaced  with Railpro system ( i like it to be simple ).  Engines sounds are great . The point with me was the hot rail cab2 frustration  was getting to the point that I regretted to run trains because of electrical failures or issues so I started not visiting my layout . Then spotted a video by Ron045 on battery power with railpro. Best thing that could of happened. Now I find myself very much entertained with my layout. Welcome to battery power. Oh and yes I join you on the monster claw that ruins many o scale cosmetics . Love those Kadee's

Last edited by Bill Grafmiller