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Reply to "VisionLine Triplex issue"

To understand, some of you guys have sent your Triplexes to fix the 4-digit addressing (despite that the engines ran using 2-digit addressing) and others have sent their engines back because even 2-digit addressing resulted in motors running out of sync.? Has there been any word from Lionel on what to do or is this DIY run them until they foul-up scenario?

Given that 4-digit addressing is a neat feature, has anyone reported success using this feature on the production Triplexes? Is this a logical train of thought or am I out in left field again?

I've been trying to get an answer from Dave Olson, but he's probably and understandably very busy this time of year, so I sent an e-mail to TalktoUs today to ask for guidance. I've yet to try our Triplex out yet due to layout disaster area, and I won't bother unpacking to later learn I'll have to pack it up anyway.

This is not good news for those of us who preordered this (my first VisionLine pre-order).

Last edited by Paul Kallus