@Paul Kallus posted:To understand, some of you guys have sent your Triplexes to fix the 4-digit addressing (despite that the engines ran using 2-digit addressing) and others have sent their engines back because even 2-digit addressing resulted in motors running out of sync.? Has there been any word from Lionel on what to do or is this DIY run them until they foul-up scenario (which I've long suspected is the MO of the industry)?
Given that 4-digit addressing is a neat feature, I am of the opinion that unless factory production models are successfully being run using 4-digit addressing (to date nobody has reported success on this albeit sample population is likely small) then all Triplexes should be sent back for, what is it, board replacement, board re-programming, I cannot keep track of this nonsense. Is this a logical train of thought or am I out in left field again?
I've been trying to get an answer from Dave Olson, but he's probably and understandably very busy this time of year, so I sent an e-mail to TalktoUs today to ask for guidance. I've yet to try our Triplex out yet due to layout disaster area, and I won't bother unpacking to later learn I'll have to pack it up anyway.
This is not a good experience for my first VisionLine pre-ordered steam locomotive.
Not everyone had identical issue, but similar erratic operation. I have multiple videos of things going wrong so I could show Lionel. Wheels between tender and engine out of sync, running opposite directions, one set not turning at all have all been symptoms. Some like mine happened only in 4D mode, others in 2D mode.
I am not sure anyone knows the exact cause yet.
Just have to wait and see if it is resolved when we get them back.
I will say that if it is a board issue they certainly couldn't have had new ones made already, so could be an ongoing issue.
We will see!