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Reply to "WEEKEND PHOTO FUN 5-27-16-??"

K-line MP15DC, with mods, done 10 -15 years ago, recent photos. Fixed pilots, relocated handrails, improved fuel tank, paint (all the stripes are paint) and a crude weathering job - indeed, the whole job is a cruder than I'd do today, I like to think, but I'm happy with it anyway. (No ERR...yet?)

I did this before Atlas and MTH brought out theirs, so I had no need of to be quicker, guys; don't make me build one, even if yours are "better".

This models one of the MP15DC units used by the Alabama State Docks Railway in Mobile, though all but one now have a new paint scheme.



A real one - actually, it's an MP15AC (their others are MP15DC's, like the K-line model), but the paint (allowing for the AC's different radiator setup) and handrails are the same:



Images (4)
  • DSCN2174
  • DSCN2180
  • IMG_0249
  • IMG_0249
Last edited by D500