My sincere Thank you to the voices who sent me "likes" for the plant nursery/landscaping business I modeled: BAR GP7#63; rail; Roger Wasson; GEF; Alibatwomble; PRRronbh; Joe B; trainroomgary; N5C Jonny; chessie1971; Frdige56Vet; DohertyNJ; Pat Kn; trumptrain; bigtruckpete; brwebster; Rustykamel; JDaddy; PutnamDivision; Mike McCutcheon; SouthernMike; paul\matt; rex desilets; paul2; Suzukovich; wmwalker; Todd Knoll; Mark Boyce; Number90; Alex M; BobbyD; Walt Rapp.
Thank you - that's a lot of Likes!!!! And that feels great.