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Reply to "Weekend Photo Fun Christmas Edition-2011"

I read the thread by Tommys_trains and I truly enjoyed the story. I can only imagine when my dad got his train set for Christmas in 1946, at the age of 5. My Grandfather bought it at Higbees in downtown Cleveland (Lionel 2101W set)and also some 2440s passenger cars, which disinegrated. I still have his set and it is the only train I will never give up do to my memories of it running around the Christmas tree in the early 70's. My dad gave it to me about 7 or 8 years ago. That's what got me started in this mess! Smile It was in pieces, and I put it back together and it runs great! My 9 year old daughter will eventually get it. I told her never to sell it, just pass it on to a family member. I am currently putting another set for my other daughter to pass down as well. Every tree needs a train. Here is my Dad's...

Anyone else have pics of there first train for Christmas for the Christmas edition?

Chris, Merry Christmas1