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Reply to "What did you do on your layout today?"

@ScoutingDad posted:

Put up a curved section of poster board to cover up the hard 90 degree corner. Looked great until I painted it. Paper did what paper does when wet - it puckers. After a couple of hours of drying it may be OK, but next time I paint both sides prior to gluing it in place.

Question for you plaster casters out there. I did a bunch of rock plaster casts for under the resort. I cannot get anything to stick to them, tried liquid nails, a 3M adhesive, plaster and setting drywall compound. Nothing will grab the back surface of the casting even with scratches in place to give a place to hold. I've done this before and have never had this issue. I even baked the castings to ensure they were dry.  Same problem. Any ideas???

The substrate is pink foam with a coating of plaster over the surface, rough and no issue there with hold.

How about tile adhesive???? The thin-set stuff is available ready mixed in the usual stores.

