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Reply to "What is the status of these MTH Lionel Corporation items?"


  I have been eyeing the Blue 263E P3 for a while, thought about pre ordering it and decide to wait till it actually came out, looks like a made the right decision.  I like the lighted Caboose, will probably want one also!  Got to tell ya I quit Pre-Order Tin Plate cause of the extra long wait and sometimes the item never gets made at all!

Doc Davis,

I want the Blue Lighted Caboose also, it's not happening for Christmas buddy!


The new Blue 263E with lighted Caboose will make a great addition to our FT over head layout, if it actually ever gets here!

Dave4581 & Marty,

Got to tell ya however the 2600 cars advertised are not going to match the new Blue 263E Perfectly, the match is the 800/2800 Rolling Stock.  I believe that was a misprint in the advertisement.



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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad