Sure great to see what everyone is up too and the cleanliness of their work spaces.
I have made progress on my work bench area and thought I would share my progress.
Power cords from all the different tools were a constant problem, so I picked up a couple of electrical boxes from Home Depot and built a useful power bar that was compact and out of the way to compliment the new shelf, which will hold a hair dryer, Dremel tool, soldering gun and cordless 3/8” drill.
I had some 1/2” MDF board in the garage and made a shelf for screwdrivers/power tools and 2 stands for a drill bits.
Still lots of parts sorting to do with all the misc bits from projects of the past.
Hopefully, I will soon get back to my GP7 conversions to Kadees/fixed pilot and started on my recently acquired Atlas GP9 s