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My flywheel wasn't perfect. At the suggestion of a post here, I removed it and used a piece of tubing to run the engine without the flywheel. It still sounded horrible at higher speeds. It only sounds good below 20MPH. So I abandoned the engine. It sits on a shelf now without a control board inside. I put that inside an Allegheny that had a blown board set.

Our grandson said it was his favorite engine and he always wanted to see it run. He likes the grey Challengers from UP. I have one in one gauge and he always wants to run it. All this prompts me to get it running again someday. I should buy a MTH version but I decided no more!

I have several engines on the shelf waiting for work and attention. I have more engines than I can run in a decent amount of sessions.

Thank you again and I hope someday to get a worm set to fix it!!!

I wonder if NWSL had any fixes?

If it were possible, I'd buy the balance of the gear to make the order move forward. I don't know how much that would cost?

Last edited by Engineer-Joe