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Reply to "Why so few Vanderbilt Tenders?"

@harmonyards posted:

We can go round and round if you’d like, ....y’all jumped to the conclusions that Lionel screwed up. Just because ONE BOOK shows no pics of a vandy tender doesn’t lock it into history, .....that’s sort of narrow mindedness , Central did indeed test Vandy tenders on a variety of motive power,.....and who roasted Lionel? must’ve been the only one, cause they sold them in droves, and they continue to sell to this day,......


As I stated it might do you well to read and interpret posts a bit more  closely before you jump to conclusions.  I never made the statement that I roasted Lionel for producing the 763 with a Vandy Tender in fact I said I own one and in fact I said like it. So  much for your claim that I said Lionel screwed up.   The people who criticized Lionel were prototypical collectors or purists who referenced the fact that the NYC never ran a Vandy Tender with a Hudson.  If you take the time to go back and review TM's video on Lionel Legends 2, the Hudson, produced in 2001, you will  hear the commentator state quite emphatically that no Hudson ever was paired with a Vandy Tender.  Additionally,  a Lionel designer is quoted as roundly criticizing  the move to produce that tender.  But perhaps suggesting that additional research might be necessary  would be to much to ask.  

Additionally, I never made the statement that the NYC never experimented with a Vandy Tender only that they never used them on regular passenger and freight service; in fact I gave you credit for the statement that they experimented with the Vandy.  As far as being narrow minded I will take the word of a Lionel designer and the works of an expert on the NYC like Alvin Staufer over that of a  poster on this forum.  Really, one should control one's self before they begin to criticize other people for jumping to conclusions or resort to name calling by referring to people as being narrow minded.

Last edited by OKHIKER