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Reply to "Will There Ever Be Any More MTH DCS Controllers Made?"

while marty you are correct lionel still has a new remote app comming and base 3 and sells all the legacy components and engines.

I am talking about a completely new physical handheld remote not a phone app. which most people are wanting to be developed again. even ken sr. said guys were wanting a remote vrs. a phone app. I am amoung that group.

lucky for me I have remotes stockpiled for my future layout if a new one is never developed.

an ESU stlye remote for O gauge is really whats needed. the ESU remote for the HO market is marrying the two worlds the phone app and physical remote and selling well.

NCE sells remotes and so does digitrax. digitrax just came out with a new remote. plus TCS just relest two new handheld controllers and a command station.

if HO scale can have physical remotes why are O manufacturers saying apps on our phone is the new way and only way to go. the reason probably is they just dont want to invest the money into it thats probably the bottom line in there pushing phone apps.
