TheDude23112 posted:The female part for the power connector is no longer attached to the WIU internal board. Anyone do these repairs.
I just opened up my own WIU just to remind myself of the details around this mini USB power jack, and I have to say, I think this is anything but an easy fix. The jack is surface mount, so if you ripped it off, then it most likely ripped off the traces. Given the proximity of nearby micro surface mount components, this looks to be a high likelyhood of a non repairable mistake. I do surface mount repairs, but if the traces are ripped off, and that extended into other components, that board is likely done. I'd take the cover off and snap a pic before I sent that off for repair.
If anything, it just told me I need to be extra careful and install this WIU in such a way that the power jack and power cord cannot be pulled and damage the board.