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Reply to "WTIU -- AIU and TMCC connection problems. Anyone else have these problems? Any solutions? General WTIU comments; MTH are you listening?"

I think that MTH needs to improve its customer service.

Or what?

Presently there are no significant consequences to them not doing so.

MTH decided to go cheap in developing the software, as most manufacturers do nowadays, relying on their customers to be patient as bugs are found in the field and fixes for them are released over time, and relying on those same customers to be their development testing team.

You would probably say in response that they will surely pay the price for being so short-sighted and overly thrifty, but there will be no significant consequences.  Just as with most smartphone apps, at least one brand of modern automobiles, and the stuff employed in other hobbies, today's customers have learned overwhelmingly to accept these shortcomings within their modern software.

It's a given.


Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike