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York is over but the game has begun.

So here overview of the game. I must find a way to bring all the trains from my car. Get the trains into the train room and hide them among all the older trains. Then get the empty box into the attic without my wife, who is a stay at home mom, knowing new trains are coming in.

I got home from York last night and this morning at 6:00AM I was able to get a train and it's box out of the car and into the train room. I started to attempt a second run and hesitated, it's important not to rush things. It's a good thing I waited; at 6:15 my wife got up...I could of been caught sneaking the second train into the house. So I still need to get the first train out of the box and well hidden and then get the box in the attic.Of course this is only one of the purchases. Sounds like this would make a good video game for a train nut.

Scott Smith

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