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Reply to "Z-4000 overloads, question for barry"



Let me throw out one more bit of information here about the Z4000, so that you all can take it and run with it.  That is, see if your mileage varies from mine, as the saying goes.  Anyway, the Z has six breakers-- the 4 external ones which you can see, which are in the hot (or red) outputs.  These are 3 and 4 amps in the accessory outputs (10 and 14 volts sine AC), and two at 15 amps in the two outputs of the main handles (variable volts, in an output shaped like the teeth of a comb, the length of teeth fitting within an envelope outline in the shape of a 27-volt sine wave).


If you will, the Z4000 is an electronic copy of the postwar ZW-- the patent for it says it's design is based upon the ZW.  The 27 volts comes from the ZW boost when blowing the whistle, plus the fact that we now use 120-volts as household voltage; then (postwar) it was 115 volts.  The Z4000 was built to run postwar trains, in effect (plus to apply special sequences of E-unit and DC-offset signals using pushbuttons).  And it was like two ZWs in one, for the two train outputs.  Let's say 10 amps on each, simplifying.  Now for the ZW you could buy an external magnetic breaker of 5 amps for each of the two main handles (again simplifying-- ie, just forget that the ZW's only breaker was 15 amps-- thermal --on the common return of all 4 return posts.)


If you just picture for a minute the Z4000 made out of all copper wire, instead of electronics, you might find it easier to picture what happens when the outputs of two handles become wired together outside the transformer.  Here I refer not the the common or black outputs, but to the A and D or the variable red outputs, as may be.  With the copper ZW, the joining of two power districts, A with D in effect, led directly back to the two corresponding carbon rollers on the single coil.  If these were set at different voltages, a difference of so many turns existed between them, and to each turn corresponded a difference of about two volts.


To make a long story short, in the ZW the full short circuit current would flow through only the turns between the two rollers (and out to the layout and back), without ever flowing through the 15-amp breaker in the common.  This was a maximum of about 45 amps (maybe 50), reduced by whatever additional resistance was present in the layout wiring.


If the postwar ZW had two ammeters in A and D, you could see that the train power woout on the track, a circulating short circuit current travels, say out on A and back in on B-- if say A is set to a higher voltage than B.  In this case, this short circuit current adds to the current on meter A and subtracts from that on meter B.  Other than making voltage A rather equal to voltage B, little effect would be seen in the voltages sent to the trains.  Of course the short bit of coil in the ZW, the several few turns, would begin to heat up.


So the UL people addressed this problem with a requirement.  In addition to the well-known requirement that the output of either main handle be limited to 180-watts (typically 10 amps times 18 volts in many applications by operators, as here), or corrected to it in one minute-- the UL also wanted the issue of the interconnection short circuit circulating current (above) addressed.  So there are a 5th and 6th electronic "breaker" located within the Z4000, one on each of the main variable output.  These are technically electronically supervised overload relays, and act after 24 seconds of uncorrected overload (from the patent).  The issue of circulating current is also addressed by this system (although the patent gives no verbal description of how this is done, or the timing it is tolerated).  I assume the same 24 second timing is used.


I think that one can assume that the meters on the Z400 "fail" to see circulating current in just the same way that the imaginary meters on my postwar ZW would fail to see it.  Making things electronic does not always change the underlying situation.  The Z4000's would use MOSFET's as the main gating devices, and these things will conduct in either direction, once triggered, IIRC, until a current zero occurs.  Its not like you have an output to the trains, and the the circulating short waltzes in, taking its time and causing a zero current crossing to shut the MOSFET down.  No, the current that is the sum of all currents starts in whatever direction it's going to go, right off the line.  Here current is essentially non-compressible, and it typically moves at 3/4 the speed of light.


It is not unusual to have the internal "breaker" be quicker than the exteral thermal breakers.  That explains the blinking or steady red light (I forget which).  Those Z400's in our club require pulling off all the handles, then resetting them to 18 volts.  We have weird sequences and amp numbers when power districts become bridged from rail creep, but since I know that's what it is, I don't pay much attention to the transformers except to shut them down quickly if a derailment occurs.


The reason for the two sets of breakers (we also have fuses, but enough co-ordination that the fuses generally don't blow) is historical, I think.  You see, during the development of big commercial breakers (was it 200 amp and up?) with adjustable delays supervised by built-in electronic circuits, we had a lot of problems.  Well, you see, short circuits tended to remove the voltage driving these new built-in supervisory circuits.  However, there has been  no sign of such problems with the Z4000 (I only even saw two reports of them being sent back in quite a bit of watching).


I hope this outline helps.  It isn't really necessary to make exact analysis of what is happening, just to understand its nature.



uld flow out on each and register correctly, lets say.  But if A and B are bridged
