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Electronic set transmitter and 5459 dump car

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My great friend Jim had two sets of the Electronic sets and also bought many, many car receivers as parts. As you can see he made a more powerful transmitter that is sitting behind the original Lionel one. The only problem with the system is you had to adjust the receivers a lot. DonDSC_2769


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  • DSC_2769

THANKS for displaying this Lionel long ago freight car...Known about it for 50+ years, plus the catalog pictures....I am in S fine scale now mostly ,I have never really caught on, how to put photos on the net or responses...This is the first...I've had a challenging project going now for a couple of months ( after having laid it down for 15 years), and that is the 44 ton diesel sold by Steam Depot.....Had I paid attention to Smokey Mountain's production of two variants, I would not have put time into this thing.....BUT, it is looking sharp, and I wait for a warm day to paint or prime it...Ahh, but what road will it run on....It was great doing the research though....Anyone want to see photos of the construction process....I havea zillion  ...ARnold Kloian     (I have also been bitten by the Lionel scale Hudson syndrome) 

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