I remember thinking that ornament was really cool when it 1st was released. I might snag this new one.
@WBC posted:The MPC inspired H24-66 Train Masters
I don’t understand this. I had to go back and check. Do you say this because of the CNW yellow/green? The CNW and MILW units are supposed to be H-16-66 baby TM’s? The CNJ and SP units don’t match the MPC versions.
everything is nice. some missed opportunities given the 125 year anniversary for road names/ paint schemes. would have been cool to see some more accessories with more tech/electronics. gantry crane looks cool. i won’t comment on prices because it is what it is.
There are some clearance bargains in the "Still Available" part of the catalog. It's loaded with products from slightly more affordable catalogs of the past. There's even a couple models of the limited edition BTO Dreyfuss Hudsons back there.
Since it looks like Lionel is on a 1930's NYC streamlined steam engine kick, we might have to consider getting the Commodore Vanderbilt to add to our Dreyfuss Hudson. Maybe in a few years lionel will make a scale VL Mercury for a 3-peat.
I would be in for the #671Turbine. I still have the original one my dad bought for me many many years ago. It still runs and smokes well. But I have a small layout that doesn’t have the wide radius curves required to operate it. But if I did I would be having a fire sale of engines and rolling stock to pay for it! Now if Lionel came out with the LionChief 2.0 semi scale version of the turbine I would definitely put in a preorder for that one.
For all those people who have been clamouring for Lionel to do shorter 15 inch aluminum passenger cars for quite awhile, I see that the catalog includes them in five different road names (Reading, Santa Fe, Southern Pacific, Florida East Coast and Lionel Lines) and that they include hand painted passenger figures.
I have never seen so much complaining about a new Catalog release. I think there are two concepts that have been missed here.
1. Lionel released in 2024 two mini catalogs of 2025 products. The ET44 and the new Vision-line J1e. Both these offerings are highly detailed and bring a lot of excitement to new trains for 2025. I have ordered engines from both catalogs. But by releasing these announcements early they stole some thunder from the 2025 V1 Catalog.
2. Giving the Vision-line designation to a new engine does allow Lionel to justify the high price point. I agree in the past that new smoke effects are one indicator of justifying this classification but in uncertain times you go with what you have. Lionel if definitely watching the bottom line here.
I am pleased that Lionel is continuing to grow and support our hobby. We desperately need to cultivate younger participants so all the colorful, frivolous offerings is justified. My hope is that as the financial picture stabilizes the investment in innovation and new features for our high-end train engines continues.
@third rail posted:Since it looks like Lionel is on a 1930's NYC streamlined steam engine kick, we might have to consider getting the Commodore Vanderbilt to add to our Dreyfuss Hudson. Maybe in a few years lionel will make a scale VL Mercury for a 3-peat.
I beginning to think I need to build a collection here because I already own NYC 5344 with Dreyfuss streamlining. Mr. Muffin's did it as a custom run with Lionel when those were cataloged back in 2023. Now Lionel has 5344 without streamlining and as the Commodore Vanderbilt. (( sigh ))
I think I'm going to get the Commodore Vanderbilt, but the big question is whether or not to get the un-shrouded 5344. 🤔
Decisions ... decisions ... decisions.
I'm not sure how many BASE3 units have shipped from China since this catalog dropped but did you notice that the price went up $100 and did you also notice how many dealers have already increased the price of last years products already in inventory solely based on this catalog. I'd suggest to anyone who was previously on the fence for buying one to get it now from a dealer who hasn't already upped the price and applied their "discount" based on the new Lionel MSRP.
This catalog is wildly confusing, some products (like the S2) have a very little & reasonable price increase since their last appearance and other products have pricing that just blow you away considering what's included (like the conventional set).
I have already ordered a Great Northern GP35 because Great Northern. Plus a 40’ GN Box car. I also want a 125th Bo Car and the Billboard Set. Done.
i think Lionel is trying to cover as many customer bases as possible/feasible. I do like the new battery powered O gauge sets. I think they are onto something there. We shall see. All in all, a pretty impressive catalog despite the hair-raising prices. I buy what I can afford, and my emphasis these days is Postwar so the new stuff isn’t of as much interest to me as it once was. That said, I hope Lionel is successful with its new offerings and that so are its dealers.
O yea!
The new track cleaning car, a S2 and vision autorack.
Very excited about some of the items from the 2025 catalog. Although nice looking, I think I’ll pass on the CV…. I’ll agree that I’m unsure why this engine qualifies as a Visionline product…. It has less features than most all other VL products.
I’ve already placed and order for the Prewar Visionline Hudson set…. I’m excited about getting a VL Hudson that’s different than any other one offered by having the Vandy tender. Hopefully it looks as good in real life as it does in the catalog.
I was also very tempted to get the NYC Visionline 20th Century set as I’m intrigued by all of the new lounge and sleeper car sounds. Yes… the price is insane… It is wild to think though that the current Pullman heavyweights (likely the same molds as these new ones) are going for $4-500 on the bay and elsewhere for a 4 car set…. Although I know those don’t have the sounds tech.
I also ordered the Angela Trotter LC2+ 125th anniversary Pacific. The color scheme and history of engines on the tender was too nice to pass up.
And my final items for my preorder were the lovely ladies in the Wings of Angels set…. I’ve collected all of these cars in the series which work nicely behind my army Veranda.
@BHalfway posted:I also ordered the Angela Trotter LC2+ 125th anniversary Pacific. The color scheme and history of engines on the tender was too nice to pass up.
I really like the color scheme on that Pacific and on the "Engine of the Year" CV. I wish they offered it with a non-painted tender, I think it looks great.
IMHO, the best values in the catalogue are the Battery Operated O-Gauge sets.
I already received the Barbie set on page 99. Although listed at $129, I paid $99 including free shipping.
Four AA batteries power the engine, while three AAA's are needed for the remote. An additional two batteries power the passenger car lighting but I have yet to find a switch to turn the lights off! The set comes with 2 additional cars.
The remote looks and operates the same as basic LionChief sets; forward, reverse, bell, whistle, and voice sounds. The water vapor smoke effect is impressive and, of course, has no odor.
The tracks (approximately O-42) are plastic and includes switches and crossover to make a figure 8, or oval with sidings.
While the engine pulls fine on its provided plastic track, the engine did not do so well on original Lionel "tinplate" track. The plastic track, being flat, offers more surface area to the wheels.
I will soon experiment putting it on flatter Atlas track and adding weight to the engine.
All in all, the set is a real bargain as a starter set for kids and offers older kids a first foray into battery operated trains.
I have to say that each new Lionel Catalog seems more ambitious than any previous catalog published. More road names and locomotive types than I ever knew existed. And many of those at prices outside my budget. But that's okay, I tend to prefer the ready to run sets of which there is also a great variety within my budget.
As far as pricing goes, while it is what it is, several of our forum sponsors have already posted their early buy prices. I've noticed some dealers are a bit lower than the others. Shop around.
The new Legacy Turbines must be inflation proof. I purchased the "as built" version due to my 1991 Turbine having paint rash. The tooling must be related to the 1991 version that Mike Wolf helped Lionel develop. Of course the 1991 version had the large Pullmor motor. The turbine was released again around 2015 upgraded with a can motor and other features. Many of those arrived damp inside the box due to some issue with the styrofoam tray curing improperly. The new Turbine prices at about $1150 via most dealers. If I recall the 1991 version was around $1100 too.
I also like the new Prairie Passenger Set. Always wanted a modern interpretation of the Green 2400 Series Cars. Curious if these will be like the ones of recent with open vestibules but plastic with no steel frame. Or return to the version last produced for the TCA in 1976 with the unique stamped metal frame.
@Mike W. posted:The new Legacy Turbines must be inflation proof. I purchased the "as built" version due to my 1991 Turbine having paint rash. The tooling must be related to the 1991 version that Mike Wolf helped Lionel develop. Of course the 1991 version had the large Pullmor motor. The turbine was released again around 2015 upgraded with a can motor and other features. Many of those arrived damp inside the box due to some issue with the styrofoam tray curing improperly. The new Turbine prices at about $1150 via most dealers. If I recall the 1991 version was around $1100 too.
I also like the new Prairie Passenger Set. Always wanted a modern interpretation of the Green 2400 Series Cars. Curious if these will be like the ones of recent with open vestibules but plastic with no steel frame. Or return to the version last produced for the TCA in 1976 with the unique stamped metal frame.
Bothe the 2000 and 2013-2014 models were $1299 MSRP. I checked that out earlier. The new Turbines at $1399 MSRP are a bargains with all the latest Legacy enhancements. If I didn't have the 2013 model I would have jumped but I have a solid runner that I am very happy with.
I know it doesn’t say it in the book and a tight squeeze but will the Heisler’s have any chance of having a swinging bell?
@Robert Cushman posted:I know it doesn’t say it in the book and a tight squeeze but will the Heisler’s have any chance of having a swinging bell?
Pretty sure the answer is no. If it had one, it definitely would have been advertised.
Pretty excited about the Turbine, especially on costing only $100 more than in 2014. Like the idea of having a choice of Turbine sound or chuff even if the chuff isn't prototypical. Jut gives you a additional option.
Hats off to Lionel and their American Flyer. I have several mostly older issues of Lionel catalogs and have picked most up at train shows. Lately I have been visiting my local hobby shop to get newer issues.
I am amazed at the variation of products they have produced. They make dozens of variations of many items and make use of thier molds by adding color, railroad names and interest. They have kept up with the times by making trains with modern control systems and special realistic features and an example is the realistic Hot Box. I can not think of any other products that offer such a varied selection. I am also glad I run mostly post war O gauge as prices have reflected Lionels producition costs.
I love the battery powered Thomas and Harry Potter sets - I think they would be fun to tinker with too.
@Doug Murphy posted:I love the battery powered Thomas and Harry Potter sets - I think they would be fun to tinker with too.
Agreed! I'd love to see some expansion into Dead Rail by Lionel with some other offerings. We'll see