After having run the Brute and the Showroom cars for several hours, I have made the following observations:
1. The Brute is a reasonable TOY facsimile of the C.M.& St.P bipolar with correct hood curvature and acceptable working articulation. Unfortunately, Lionel misrepresented the VENTILATORS as whistles on each hood and placed the bell in the wrong position. Marker lights would have been appreciated. And the American Flyer style headlamp with diagonal number boards would have looked better on this engine!
2. The Showroom cars at 28" in length (diaphragm to diaphragm) look good behind the Brute although still have too much "overhang" on my 84" diameter curves!
3. The LGB "Orient Express" figures (1920's attire) fit well and look good in the seats of the Showroom cars (I have FOUR sets of these plus another two sets of LGB sitting figures).
4. I did change out the rear coupler on the Brute with the one supplied with the Showroom cars, and this seems to work more smoothly.
5. My Brute, sans traction tire drive wheels, pulls the four car Showroom set at a reasonable speed at 16 volts and 3 amps, according to the digital meters on my Z-4000.
6. Overall, I am quite pleased with my GIANT LCT tinplate set!