Well it's done, after 15 years the antenna fell to pieces the other day. Anyone have recommendations for a flexible replacement?
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On the 'bay, Item: 400833913443, $14.95 shipped from a US seller. I already had a a BNC connector, they're cheap as well.
If you're not in a hurry, eBay item: 262779670677 is a little over $6 shipped.
Here's the matching BNC connectors, a huge $1.18 for five of them, Item: 281519344137
Additional information this thread.
Boy, I don't know if I can afford it. Thanks Mike, didn't see the other thread. and John
I figured it might be too rich for your blood.
updated, just converted both my Cab1 to the rubber ducky antennas. Only a ten minute conversion each. Very happy with the results.
My antenna just broke and this post is just what I was looking for. Thanks everyone!
Gunrunnerjohn ,I went on e-bay for the cab 1 rubber antenna #141704258324 & nothing comes up ,is this item still available ? ,i did find the bnc connectors ,but not the rubber antenna ,also is there a thread that i can look at to see how this is done ?,i have never done this before . Thanks in advance .
I updated my post, here's the new links.
On the 'bay, Item: 400833913443, $14.95 shipped from a US seller. I already had a a BNC connector, they're cheap as well.
If you're not in a hurry, eBay item: 262779670677 is a little over $6 shipped.
As far as doing it, just remove the existing antenna, put the BNC in place of it, and move the antenna lead to the center pin of the BNC.
Thanks John ,I just ordered both the antenna & bnc connectors ,i am not in any hurry as the antenna on the one cab 1 i have is still working ,but it is broke i can pull part of the antenna all the way off so I ordered the $ 6.00 one ,thanks for your help. Jerry M .
gunrunnerjohn posted:On the 'bay, Item: 400833913443, $14.95 shipped from a US seller. I already had a a BNC connector, they're cheap as well.
If you're not in a hurry, eBay item: 262779670677 is a little over $6 shipped.
Here's the matching BNC connectors, a huge $1.18 for five of them, Item: 281519344137
Ha! Went looking for a chassis mount BNC connector and look what I found!
Not a single one of these will work, but they do make a great art project!!!
They would be cool for some outside a building as plumbing