Not much of interest to me in the new catalog. Like the F7s, but not in the road names offered. Asked Steve Nelson (Mr. Muffin) to consider a special run in either NPR or NYC. I would buy either. Steve was very concerned about the prices of the engines, and the higher number which need to be ordered now by a dealer in order to have a special run done, so we shall see. The GLa hoppers were a surprise and are of some interest to me, as I have a bunch from the first couple of runs of them, when Lionel still had their great trucks and couplers. However, I won't consider buying any of these if the couplers on them are not articulated. The prices of the hoppers are also outrageous, although I'm sure there will be a discount offered by the dealers. I did not hear any comments from Dave or Ryan about the freight car couplers yesterday, but I did not watch the entire program.