I run 4.5 inches center rail to center rail on my layout on a long grade, where there appears to be a double main.
Inside diameter of 096, radius = 48 inches. Outside of the curves is obviously 52.5 inch radius. I have a total of 360 degrees of turn on a 1.5% grade set up like this that's how I get the folded over dog bone done on my 240 foot main line.
I run 2 large articulated O scale steamers, 3rd Rail Sunset Allegheny 2-6-6-6, Lionel B&OEM-1 2-8-8-4, and I also run 21 inch passenger cars, the Atlas O California Zephyr cars and Sunset/3rd rail brass Heavyweight pullmans.
It runs perfect, never had an issue. Obviously, I did exhaustive mock ups before I went through the effort to build the 1.5% grade and lay all the track.
Also Yes I did easement transitions at the entrance and exits of all these curves. It's essentially a 90, then a large sweeping 180 than another 90 to get to the top of the grade, or the bottom depending on which way you're heading