It would be interesting if an aerosol spray could make visible all the electromagnetic fields present in our house, or environment...and disconcerting for some too.
Yes, this would be an amazing aerosol spray can!!! Anyone ever try to shoot your layout with a video camera in the "Infra-red" mode? I wondering if anything shows up? I know my TV Remotes did! But my camera is broken now
The only controller I think might show up on your camera is the mini remote that used to (maybe still does?) come with some MTH starter sets. That was optical (infra-red) like the entertainment remotes. Pretty much everything else discussed here is RF, which if you could see with a camera would make the camera mostly unusable (at least for taking nice pictures) in today's world!
Lots of good review in this thread, btw, thanks to all. This is one for the local archive.