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I don't think E Mail is going to be the best way to go. They run another business and the turntable business was more of a hobby. I talked to him a while back and he said the best time to call was in the mourning around 8:00 AM EST.
He said he still has quite a few parts and is slowly trying to get the TT business back up and running. I'm sure if you call he can e mail you a set of instructions in a PDF


Originally Posted by springoflife:
Originally Posted by DPC:

He said he ... is slowly trying to get the TT business back up and running.

Well that's interesting.  I didn't know that!

Who made the better TT, Bowser or Diamond Scale?

They had a fire several years back. I see his web site says they're now taking orders for certain items.


Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by springoflife:

Who made the better TT, Bowser or Diamond Scale?

Bowser doesn't make turntables any longer.


Both Millhouse River Studio and Ross produce MUCH better turntables than either the old Bowser or the Diamond Scale. Then there is always AAA Museum Quality turntables, if you have THAT much money to spend!


I understand that.  But I own an old Bowser, and can't afford the MRS or Ross.  I was just wandering where Diamond Scale fits in there, esp compared to the Bowser.

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