hi what's everyone using these days for a filing system for there trains
i used TrainTracker till they stopped supporting it.
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hi what's everyone using these days for a filing system for there trains
i used TrainTracker till they stopped supporting it.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Lots of threads on this subject. Here's a recent one: https://ogrforum.com/topic/inv...1#185988372894657891
I use Excel
I use Numbers as I have a MAC but ready to give up on inventory to much stuff and still not sure what I have!
I looked at several inventory programs and found things I liked in each, but none had everything I wanted so I created a Microsoft Access database with my inventory.
I use Apache Open Office spreadsheet.
I use an Excel 'flat file' spreadsheet.
Since the data I collect is fairly straight forward and linear (i.e. no one-to-many relationships), I saw no need for a relational database or more extensive software program. I think the key is to decide what data you wish to collect up front. You can easily filter / sort / pivot / search, which is fairly much all I needed for functionality.
@DrTrainDad posted:I use an Excel 'flat file' spreadsheet.
Since the data I collect is fairly straight forward and linear (i.e. no one-to-many relationships), I saw no need for a relational database or more extensive software program. I think the key is to decide what data you wish to collect up front. You can easily filter / sort / pivot / search, which is fairly much all I needed for functionality.
My Msoft Access database is a "flat" database as I've not yet figured out how to make tables link to one another. Works fine for me, but my database is approaching 600 MB!
I use "Yard Office" and have used it the past 8 years or so. It does everything - I mean everything. A sample of features:
It is a free download and they just ask if you like it to register it for $27.00 and then you will also get the adds as listed above but it is not necessary. Give it a try - you can't go wrong.
thanks for the help ill give it a try
Just tried to get it, but the download doesn't appear to work.
For the record, I tried the download and it worked. Installed and opened it...seems to be working. You might try again.
Oops my bad.
Did not know it was windows only. Dump me trying to download on a android.
@Kelpieflyer posted:I use Excel
Same. I'm collecting data in separate tabs by manufacturer so I can do decent data sorts but keep it all in one place.
A guy in the Chicago commuter group on FB turned me onto his app he just released in the App Store. I’m not sure if there’s an android version, but so far, I’ve enjoyed it. A lot of data input, but keeps a nice log of all your stuff, what you paid, when you bought, where you bought, and a running tally of what you have vs what it’s worth. The app is called “Trainventory”
Another vote for Excel, it's worked well my needs for over 6 years now. I like the idea of having different suppliers in their own tabs. Might do some cut and paste and make that happen as the spreadsheet has gotten quite large.
I also set mine up to track road numbers on cars so it's easy to make sure I don't purchase duplicate road numbers.
I use Numbers (iOS) basically excel. I like how I can enter all the info I want and then sort based on whatever I need to know, i.e.: sort by: Min curve, PS2 3v, PS2 5v, etc. Helps me quickly find what I need. I can never remember if a certain loco can run on the smaller curved section of the layout. It's a pain to get started from the middle of a collection, but now as I buy engines, I can add as I buy. Much easier.
Woodland Scenics has a free "Model Inventory" app that I use on my iPad. It has lots of data items already listed so all you have to do is entry. You can enter and view your items using the "View Items" section, which are listed separately, or use the "View Categories" section where there are categories already listed. Also, you can add your own categories if needed. I find it very useful in keeping track of my trains and accessories.
@GG1 4877 posted:Same. I'm collecting data in separate tabs by manufacturer so I can do decent data sorts but keep it all in one place.
Everyone should obviously use what works best for them, but have you thought about just adding a column in the spreadsheet to indicate manufacturer (rather than separate tabs)? That was you don't need to search / filter / sort across tabs to find say- how many UP Reefer Cars do I have across different brands. I have added columns in my spreadsheet for:
Date purchased
Purchased from
Purchase price
Free text description
Class (Engine, Freight, Passenger, Other Powered, Building)
Building Type (MTH Platform, Lionelville, etc)
Building Comment
Road Name
Engine Type (ES44A, 4-8-4, etc)
Engine Sound (PS3, TMCC, Legacy, etc)
Cab / Car #
Scale (Full / Traditional)
Purchased New?
Year made
Catalog #
Track tested?
Bin / Shelf Location
[hyperlink to picture file]
Plan to sell?
Date sold
Price sold
If you set things up in columns, you can also create ‘pivot reports’ to see- for example- what different engine types you have based on roadname. I am a bit of a data nerd which is why I like Excel and the DIY approach, but if that is not your thing, it sounds as though some of the apps mentioned here might be a great solution, especially for somebody starting out. Having to retrospectively gather and enter the data would be a chore using any approach or software. The key is to start as soon as possible, I think.
@DrTrainDad posted:Everyone should obviously use what works best for them, but have you thought about just adding a column in the spreadsheet to indicate manufacturer (rather than separate tabs)? That was you don't need to search / filter / sort across tabs to find say- how many UP Reefer Cars do I have across different brands.
I just started my spreadsheet within the last year to document over 20 years of O scale collecting and am working through how I want to organize it. So far, I've been doing passenger cars only as I'm in the over 350 range so multiple tabs actually helps me. I am mainly concerned about duplicates within the same manufacturer when purchasing new cars. I know my collection fairly well so when I get a duplicate it is at least conscious decision for a project.
For now, I'm just using the KISS method. I've done spreadsheets in my profession that use logic functions that are linked across multiple files and tabs. When I get home, I'm not interested in replicating work.
When it comes to freight cars, I might decide differently. The main goal there will be to help catalog which ones need to go. I was much less discriminate over the years of freight car collecting.
As GG1 4877, Drtraindad and other have said, I too like the KISS method and have been using Excel spreadsheets for many years, not only for my hobbies, home inventory, etc, including my years of working at various companies.
The one thing I decided was that I didn't want a single sheet with everything listed. So I have set up multiple tabs. One for engines only, another for freight cars, another passenger cars, buildings, layout control system, etc. This way I find it easier to manage.
I use titles very similar to what DrTrainDad has listed.
I use Google Sheets. I have tabs for:
Motive Power / Railking 19th Century / Passenger Cars / 36' Reefers / Rolling Stock - Other / Lionel Heritage / Track / Accessories / Miscellaneous
They basically all have the same columns. One of the columns is an invoice # which coincides with a paper invoice. I keep these for potential tax issues down the road when the items are sold (either by me or my survivors).
Here is a screenshot of the Motive Power tab:
thanks for all the suggestion im playing around with Yard Office for now .Its definitely not as easy as train tracker was but it will work
Before I created my Microsoft Access database, I had these columns in my spreadsheet (I still use the spreadsheet to make entries every time something is added to my collection; then I occasionally will add to my database):
Seq # (so I can sort any way I want to)
Cat No
MA (I check this item when I have the item in the database)
Series / Set
Group (my own grouping of items)
Road Name Code
Road Name Description (would love to move this to a table and link it to the above item so my database isn't so big)
Road Logo
Reporting Mark
Cat (category according to Yard Office)
Type (according to Yard Office)
Min Curve
Status (according to Yard Office?)
Config (according to Yard Office?)
Years Cataloged
Purch Date
Sold by
Purch Price
S & H / Tax
Calc. Total
% MSRP Purch Price
Item Cond
Best Value
% MSRP Best Value
CY Greenberg Value
% MSRP CY Greenburg Value
MITrains Value Date (MITrains database is no longer available)
MITrains Value Price (MITrains database is no longer available)
% MSRP MITrains Value Price (MITrains database is no longer available)
Box Type
Box Cond
Images (up to 8)
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