The fix lionel does for the charger on the base, does it work on all batteries and is it worth sending the base in for.
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I have a newer unit and I haven't even bothered to see if it works correctly. I just charge the batteries in another charger, or use disposables. I prefer to leave the unit off when I'm not running trains.
It's worked for me last 6 months or so
I also use a separate charge because I shut everything down with one switch. My charger did not work when I first got it. I turned the switch on bottom to off and put black tape over contacts just in case.
Lionel recomends using only their batteries.
Jim D
Lionel recomends using only their batteries.
Jim D
That is if you are using their charger. If you have the battery charger off any will do. When my charger failed I used alkalines, lithiums and several types rechargeables and my external charger.
When the charger was repaired I was cautioned to use only the GP batteries that come stock. MikeR also suggested I could use some older style Radio Shack ones, however not sure if they are still available