I was looking at the smoke unit from a K-Line Plymouth switcher, the fan refused to run. The motor was good, it drew around 30 milliamps at 5VDC from my bench supply. When I measured the voltage, I got about 4.5V from the 5V supply. That's a bit odd... When the motor was attached, the voltage dropped down to under 2 volts and the fan didn't run.
On closer examination, I found out why! K-Line screwed up putting the three components for the fan power supply together! The filter cap in on the output of the regulator instead of the input! Initially, I couldn't figure out why a 100uf 10V capacitor hadn't exploded when running from track power, usually the input filter cap sees at least 20-25 volts! When I looked closer, I realized it was wired to the output of the regulator and not the input side. Of course, the 5V regulator doesn't regulate properly without an input filter cap, hence the odd behavior of the output voltage.
A simple chop of the PCB and a jumper wire, and the fan was back in the game. I'm curious, has anyone else run across this issue? It's hard to believe that was the only example since it was a finished PCB on the smoke unit.