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I remember reading on this forum a while ago that the Lionel 6 Ohm smoke units are pretty much destined to fail. Is there anything that can be done to prevent failure on a perfectly operating one? Would changing the resistor to an 8 Ohm hurt the smoke production or the circuitry, or is it not worth doing anything and to leave it as a ticking time bomb.

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Should be fine.  As long as it's roughly the right size, the wattage takes care of itself once you crack the ceramic shell.  I use similar resistors for all my 8 ohm, 20 ohm, and 27 ohm smoke resistors, I have for years.

Alright cool, I’ll slap her in the F12e Ten Wheeler tomorrow. What was even the point of the 6 Ohm resistor anyway, more smoke? The Hot Box seems to smoke amazingly with the 8 Ohm in it so why even bother with a 6 to begin with?

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