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I have a small static display in my office with a Lionel Bay windows Caboose, I was thinking it would be fun to switch to scale couplers. I took a look at the caboose and there are no mounting points + the fact that there is a walk way above the place where I could attach the coupler makes me wounder if I can do this.  I did a seach on the forum and did not find anything about what I am asking so any guidance would be welcomed!

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@Norton posted:

You can mount a kadee coupler box anywhere there is room. If the end platform is too thin for screws just mount it with epoxy. Check the height. If a spacer is needed it might need to be thick enough for screw holes.


Pete,  thank you kindly. I did not think of epoxy, but since it is not going to bearing any weight it would work.  Do you recommend any brand I have never use epoxy before.

@third rail posted:

You can purchase a KADEE  819 extended draft gear box. ($4.99 at TrainZ). That way the draft gear will be attached to the body of the caboose.

This is a better idea. I would first determine if a spacer is needed and how thick. Make the spacer out of styrene wider than the gearbox so you can drill and tap holes. Even if  the 819 will locate the holes under the body, the deeper the hole will allow more threads for a secure attachment. You may not need any adhesive but JB Kwick would be plenty strong here.


In addition to the 819 extended draft gear box what other Kadee parts would I need, can you specify the coupler it self please?

If you search on Kadee 819 at Trainz, they list all the kadees those gearboxes will work with. Looks like most long and medium shank couplers will work, your choice.


Last edited by Norton

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