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YES- try a different transformer source.

Try adding a lighted caboose or additional lighted cars in the case of a transformer that leaks voltage (not going to full 0V off on the track to cycle).

Ensure the program/run switch is in RUN.

Thanks for the quick response!

Added a lighted caboose but the engine was still stuck in Fwd. Also made sure the program/run switch was set to run. Will try using a different transformer source.

Do you have access to a TMCC or Legacy controlled track? Can you have someone reset the engine and test both TMCC and conventional operation after the reset?

Also- it could be something to do with the program/run switch or worst case, a failed motor driver or other issue.

I don’t have any command equipment personally, but I could head to my LHS this weekend to see if they’ll be able to reset the engine.

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