Added Nassau and Charles Ro. Just waiting on Pat's Trains and any other suggestions that get added here.
Not a lot of change from 2024 Vol2: Mr. Muffin is the lowest price, beating Charles Ro by a single percentage point (20% versus 19%), neither charges out-of-state tax nor requires a deposit. Once you add in the shipping costs, however, CRo wins. Subsidizing the shipping, especially on large orders, is a huge savings.
Nassau (19%), and Legacy Station (18%) are close, but both require a 10% deposit and don't discount shipping.
Nicholas Smith Trains and Trainworld are at 15%, with neither charging a deposit or discounting shipping. Trainworld charges sales tax.
Mario's Trains is only at 14%, but the shipping is free, which definitely should push people their way depending on the size of the order.
CT's Trains (11%) and Hobbyspeed (1%) both require full payment up front, a year before shipping anything, which is a definitely deal-breaker for me. I've reached out to Hobbyspeed because I'm not seeing ANY discounts applied to the prices, not a standard dealer discount or a pre-order discount. If I get an update from them, I'll add it here.