Looking for some help. Our legacy E8 AA set from the 2020 catalog Lionel 20333AM or 2033340 stopped running engines when using Bluetooth. Only the lead locomotive will move. The second locomotive turns on but no forward or backward movement. Like it isn’t linked. It used to run as a pair how do I get that set back up for when running with universal remote.
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First thing I would do is consult the manual- and there lies a possible clue- are you sure the Bluetooth switch is enabled/ON for BOTH units?
Some things about this- the lead unit will show the connection in the Bluetooth app. The Trailing unit is a listen only mode of bluetooth protocol and does not "pair" to app. It must have it's own bluetooth switch on and then listens for the same broadcast data and communications when the app or remote is paired to the lead unit.
Further, this means you cannot test a trailing unit or connect it via bluetooth by itself. You must have the lead unit operational and only when the lead unit is connected and the trailing unit is powered and can listen for the signal will it respond.
Thanks for the reply. Yes both locos have their Bluetooth switches on.
I do not use the Bluetooth app but it almost seems like the brake is on the engine that will not move. Try seeing if you can check the brake setting with only the engine that will not move on the track. Again I do not use Bluetooth often and don’t even know if there is a brake setting on the app. Good luck
Try using the cab3 app's Bluetooth side. Sometimes it recognizes the engines separately on occasion, maybe that's what's happening with your universal remote.
@Sparty1225 posted:Thanks for the reply. Yes both locos have their Bluetooth switches on.
I don't know what else to tell you because- the system and features is quite limited if all you have is Bluetooth for control.
If you had TMCC or Legacy, I would recommend performing the sequence on page 33 of the manual to reset the TMCC ID back to ID 1 and perform the factory reset option (holding 0).
Does the trailing unit operate in conventional or TMCC/Legacy modes of control?
Again, unfortunately due to the nature of the listen only mode of the bluetooth operation of the trailing unit, it is exceedingly hard to troubleshoot. It won't show up in the app, you have no idea if the bluetooth module is working other than proof that it does work when the lead unit is addressed.
Choices were made in the design and programming and in the end, if it doesn't work can be extremely frustrating.
Being this is an LCP2 based board system- only lionel can program and troubleshoot those boards. It's not even like the earlier series with the bleutooth module being separate, in this case you have one board that does everything and only Lionel can work on them.
At $200 per board, I sure as heck would be contacting Lionel- warranty or not-they built this so only they can work on it.
Another question- the cab light in the trailing unit is not blinking indicating a fault code for stalled motor right? That scenario would prevent it from moving and might be interpreted as the bluetooth connection not working.
Thank you all for replies and help. I’m going to try all the suggestions and will report back.
FWIW, I tried last night my Army Sharknose set 2133280, which is also LCP2 board based.
In the CAB3 app bluetooth connection side, only the lead unit is recognized- this does NOT show up as 2 units.
@tom21pa posted:Try using the cab3 app's Bluetooth side. Sometimes it recognizes the engines separately on occasion, maybe that's what's happening with your universal remote.
Also tested with the normal Lionchief app and the universal remote- same basic scenario- only the lead engine connects and the trailing unit is "listen only" and when it receives the same signal as the connected lead engine- follows the commands.
So I programmed them to the base three for legacy and they ran as they should under one program Id. I then hooked it up to Bluetooth universal remote and they ran together as they should. I guess they just had to be reminded they were buddies!