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As a Milwaukee Road fan I just had to get my #4 looking like the prototype.  Operationally the Mars light would have only been activated when the locomotive was placed into emergency.

Click here to see the mod in action

Last edited by MichRR714
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I made a little board to drive a MARS light simulator, or any 40ma or lower 12V load, and it features opto-isolated inputs to select when the output is active.

Universal MARS/Beacon Light Trigger Board

This allowed me to turn on the Milwaukee Road MARS light only when stopped and reverse was selected.

I've also used it for a diesel to activate the MARS light only when the engine was moving forward.

@MichRR714 posted:

As a Milwaukee Road fan I just had to get my #4 looking like the prototype.  Operationally the Mars light would have only been activated when the locomotive was placed into emergency.

Click here to see the mod in action

I am also curious as to where you have acquired the red lens, as well as the part number, nomenclature, dimensions, etc.  When I search "red lens" on Lionel's part website, 61 results show up. Granted, most are not what we are looking for, but you would not believe the significant amount of those that could be IT . Thanks in advance, @MichRR714 and great work!

I've used red paint or even a red sharpie to change colors on lenses before.  Wouldn't be too hard to do that with the clear lens on the Hiawatha.  On the one hand, it's a bit of a bummer a brand-new model needs "repairs" or "modifications" already to be what was, at the very least, disclosed in the catalog.  On the other hand, I'd much rather have a quick fix at home and go back to running it than send it out and wait for Lionel to do it for me.  Glad it's an easy fix!

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